Standard Flat Wallet
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A standard flat wallet is a wallet designed with dimensions of 7.5 inches long by 4.5 inches wide with a thickness of three-quarters of an inch. While some flat wallets have a specific purpose, such as being flat checkbook wallets or flat wallets with a built-in checkbook holder, a standard flat wallet is designed to hold all standard wallet items, including change, bills, and cards, but can also fit other objects inside. When flat frame wallets open, the inside of the flat wallet includes several pockets in varying sizes — some designed to hold credit cards and a driver's license and others large enough to hold a checkbook or keep receipts.
While our selection of flat wallets is sold as wholesale flat wallets in groups of up to 50, our selection of materials and styles for our flat wallets varies. We carry both fabric and faux leather flat wallets, with the latter being either an imitation animal skin wallet or a patent leather flat wallet in a variety of color options. Our flat wallets in animal skin patterns include both crocodile and snake skin pattern wallets in a variety of colors to match your handbag or purse. For our selection of fabric flat wallets, this includes metallic or silver colored flat wallets, as well as patterned fabric flat wallets including polka dot flat wallet styles. Two wholesale flat wallet options we have include groups of wallets in one style with color variations and larger — up to 50 wallets — groups with material variations, including a variety of fabric and leather flat wallets.