Accessory Watches (Ring, Pendant and Keyring Watches)

In our selection of women’s watches, many everyday accessories for women have been transformed into a fashionable watch. Fashion watches don’t need to just be bracelets, and we carry accessory fashion in clip-on pin watch styles, pendant watch styles, stretch watches, and key chain watches. In this selection of fashion watches, many of the watches are still either silver or gold watches, although many of these are embellished with rhinestones or enamel, such as the case with necklace or pendant watch styles. The watch face in these accessory watches is often under a flip-top or else its simply part of the accessory, such as for key chain watches.

Our clip-on watches are pin watches with the watch face attached to a chain that can be clipped onto clothing. These are simple silver watch faces on a chain with a colored watch face that can be an accessory for ordinary clothing. Pendant watches have a similar style, except the watch face is part of the necklace pendant. Some shapes for necklace pendants include ladybugs, various fruits, and fleur de lis. The pendants, aside from the watch face, are silver or gold-toned and colored with rhinestones or enamel. Key chain watches also have a similar form, except the pendant is attached to a shorter chain and a key ring.